Ikris Pharma International led its foundation in 2014 as an acclaimed pharmaceutical wholesaler and service company with a motto to save every precious life with the Managed Access Program followed by services such as Reference Listed Drugs, Good distribution practices, and so on. With time, Ikris Pharma has built an efficient network successfully.
We currently work with many US, India, China, Europe, Middle East, Canadian, and UK generic and clinical research-based companies and supply reference-listed drugs (RLD) / Innovator products at competitive prices.
We have proficiency in the following:

IPI works under EU-compliant SOPs having an EU Good Distribution Practice (GDP) certificate from the Belgian Federal Agency for medicines and health products.

Name Patient Managment

The term “Managed Access Program” refers to the authorized programs which allow patients access to hard-to-access medicines which are ....

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Clinical Trials Sourcing

A Reference Listed Drug (RLD) is an approved drug product to which new generic versions are compared to show that they are bioequivalent.

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Pharmacutical Exporter

We are a globally recognized pharmaceutical wholesaler and service provider specializing in quality medicines. Our world-class facilities....

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Please feel free to contact us:

+91 81302 90915 - +32 4286 1216